MS Paint

MS Paint is a simple and fun program. It is often the first drawing software on computer that we discover. A bit like drawing for the first time, you quickly feel like drawing anything. So you start drawing stick figures or ugly abstract figures. But no matter what you draw, it’s always fun. Why is that? Because MS Paint is a crappy program. It’s old, it has bugs, it has very limited functionality. It’s normal to make bad drawings with MS Paint. You can’t build a house with a spoon, you need materials and skills. With MS Paint, I rediscover the pleasure of drawing without any pressure: drawing for drawing’s sake. It is this simplicity that allows me to quickly connect with myself and to share this lightness with as many people as possible.

MS Paint est un logiciel simple et amusant. C’est souvent le premier logiciel de dessin sur ordinateur que l’on découvre. Un peu comme si on dessinait pour la première fois, on a vite envie de dessiner n’importe quoi. Alors on se met à tracer des bonhommes bâtons ou des figures abstraites moches. Mais peu importe ce qu’on dessine, c’est toujours drôle. Pourquoi ? Car MS Paint est un logiciel de merde. Il est vieux, il comporte des bugs, il n’a que des fonctionnalités très limitées. C’est normal de faire de mauvais dessins avec MS Paint. On ne construit pas une maison avec une cuillère, il faut du matériel et des compétences. Avec MS Paint, je redécouvre le plaisir de dessiner sans aucune pression : dessiner pour dessiner. C’est cette simplicité qui me permet de me connecter rapidement avec moi-même et de faire profiter cette légèreté au plus grand nombre.

MS Paint Portraits

MS Paint Portraits exhibition for « Artistes Emergeants », in Le Carreau gallery, 2017.

Portraiture is the art of capturing the soul of your model in a drawing. With MS Paint, I modestly draw my friends for their birthday, to thank them, to show them my love or to share my humor. Drawn with the mouse, with the default colors, the portraits I make have a clumsy, approximate line, but borrowed from my emotions. Whether it’s my family, friends or media personalities, I explore my feelings with delicacy.

The square format allows me to represent each person in a huge mosaic. Since the line is hesitant, the figure is messed up: we are all part of the same mosaic, we are all a bit messed up. Far from the idea of beauty that selfies give, I try to remind that laughing at oneself is an essential quality to find one’s true inner beauty, the one we share, the one we see for real when we really know someone.

Le portrait est l’art de capter l’âme de son modèle dans un dessin. Avec MS Paint, je dessine modestement mes amis pour leur anniversaire, les remercier, leur montrer mon amour ou encore partager mon humour. Dessinés à la souris, avec les couleurs par défaut, les portraits que je réalise ont un trait maladroit, approximatif, mais emprunt de mes émotions. Que ce soit ma famille, des amis, des personnalités médiatiques, j’explore mon ressenti avec délicatesse.

Le format carré me permet de représenter chaque personne dans une immense mosaïque. Puisque le trait est hésitant, la figure est raté : nous faisons dès lors tous partie d’une même mosaïque, nous sommes tous un peu foireux. Loin de l’idée du beau que donne les selfies, j’essaie de rappeler que rire de soi est une qualité essentielle pour trouver sa vraie beauté intérieure, celle que l’on partage, celle que l’on voit pour de vrai lorsqu’on connait vraiment quelqu’un.

MS Paint Portraits exhibition for « Artistes Emergeants », in Le Carreau gallery, 2017.

MS Paint Games

Who has the biggest button

Made during Global Game Jam. It explores the lovely proximity between world leaders.
Play it here with a friend (need a xbox controller)

Technically tomatoes are fruits

Made during the second round of the French presidential elections. It let you feels the national disinterest for this event.
Play it here.

Galaxy Paint

Paint a colorfull galaxy.
Play it here.

Access to water

Feel two playable timelines at the same time. It experiments comparative interactions to highlight the global inequality of access to water.
Play it here.

Men deciding for women

Trump’s signed anti-abortion executive order surrounded ony by men. The pictures made of this tragic event have been shown around the world. Discover the truth behind them.
Play it here.

Party hard

Made during the Global Game Jam. It explores the accumulation of play, crazyness and some sort of « sustain » interaction.
Play it here.

Trump’s Talk

The USA ex-president was known to have a very specific speach. Try to talk like him and discover his animal vibe. wrote an article you can read here.
Play it here.

The brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Made during « Weekly Hour game jame ». Try to jump over the abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxz dog. This one fixed the template of my MS Paint Games : a splash screen with title spoken without articulating, sounds made by mouth, a simple situation to play with, the green chicken making noise at end, fast rythm.
Play it here.

The hat for being happy

Made during « Weekly Hour game jam ». Help Green chicken to be happy by putting hats on his head.
Play it here.

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